Wushu Nanquan Experience Class 武術「南拳」體驗班

Description: Basic Wushu techniques, five-stances fist routine, Nanquan / Changquan (Video)

課程內容: 武術基本功、五步拳、初級南拳/長拳 (影片)

Level: Beginners (three free-trial sessions)

程度: 初學者 (首三堂免費)

Date:  5th September - 26th December 2018 (every Wednesday except Public Holidays)

日期: 201895日至20181226 (逢星期三,公眾假期除外)

Time: 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

時間: 下午6時至下午7

Venue: LG1027

地點: LG1027

Instructor: Mr. Lewis LI (Accreditation Coach of the Hong Kong Coaching Committee, Registered Coach & Referee of the Hong Kong Wushu Union and the Chinese Martial Arts Dragon and Lion Dance Association)

導師: 李志鴻教練 (香港教練培訓委員會認可武術教練、香港武術聯會及香港中國國術龍獅總會教練及裁判)

Medium of instruction: Cantonese (supplemented with English and Putonghua when needed)

語言: 廣東話 (如有需要可輔以英語或普通話)

Quota: 10 (Priority will be given to Staff Association Members)

名額: 10 (教職員協會會員優先)

Fee: Members: $390, Non-members: $420 (Non-members are welcome to join Staff Association to enjoy member benefits. Annual membership fee is $30). Register at: http://staff.ust.hk/membership_form.html

費用: 會員 港幣390; 非會員 港幣420 (歡迎非會員加入本會,享用會員福利,年費港幣30). 登記網址: http://staff.ust.hk/membership_form.html


Registration: Quota are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis. All new and existing class participants, please register on-line at https://goo.gl/forms/fxxYOfr25pQJ3uIx1

報名辨法: 新舊學員均須網上報名,先到先得。報名請登入: https://goo.gl/forms/fxxYOfr25pQJ3uIx1

Deadline: 5th September 2018.  If you wish to join the class after the deadline, please feel free to contact Mr. Lewis LI for the arrangement.

截止日期: 2018 95日。在截止報名後,如欲報名參加,歡迎向教練查詢!

Enquiry: Mr. Lewis LI (lblewis@ust.hk)

查詢: 李志鴻教練 (電郵:lblewis@ust.hk)